About Us

Not much to it really.

I have spent the last 10 odd (very odd) years in the teamwear business and the more I saw, the more I was amazed at just how wasteful and damaging a large part of this industry is.

Sure, you could make a buck - but the amount was pretty well directly related to the amount of damage/hurt done. I mean - how can a tee be made in China, shipped to Australia and sold for under $5? Somebody is hurting somewhere in that equation...

So, instead of whingeing about it - thought I would make my own. I mean, how hard can it be?? (answer - pretty hard actually).

Having worn tees for over 50 years (some of which my wife thinks should be  now be thrown out), I knew what I wanted to make and what I thought would also resonate with my target audience. Together with a fantastic (and patient) designer based in Melbourne - we have got there. Thanks Laura!

Next we see if this flies - there are plans for other styles, also looking at keeping true to the organic and Australian Made theme.

We hope you enjoy the tees. They have been extensively road tested at a few pubs, footy ovals and the odd work function over the past couple of years (pandemic permitting) so we look forward to your feedback.

Any dramas or queries, just hit me up in the chat or via email.

